Hey guys, I just wanted to stop in and thank you all for a WONDERFUL drop on Friday! Most of those knives sold in about 30 minutes, and ALL of them sold by the morning!
Most of the knives already shipped out, but I have some more shipping to do now.
I hope to have another drop in time to get them to you for Christmas, and Ill have enough for EVERYONE, which is exciting!
I do however want to apologize, although I shared the sale on social media and through an email campaign I didn't share it here in the blog- I will try to make sure that I do that more often, and also I will try to talk more about XK&T product- why I use to materials/ colors that I use, what we have coming, why I designed a particular design the way I did- Ill do what I can to let those of you who want it to get into my head when it comes to this crazy knife escapade!
If there is anything you would like me to write about briefly- or at length, feel free to let me know! I am sorry to say however that if you want me to discuss something briefly it may end up being at length anyways, because when I get to talking about knives it can be hard to stop!
